For questions not addressed by a support solution here, please Contact Us. Please do include a description of the problem as well as your operating system and version.
What can we help you with?
Documentation fails to open when launched from a CCDC application on linux
… We are aware of some linux operating systems such as CentOS 7 and Rocky 9 having problems launching a web browser and displaying the user documentation when …
How do I activate the software for all users?
… N.B. If you are using a licence key rather than a local licence server, activating the software for all users requires an internet connection. This is because …
Can I customise enCIFer to check for the presence of specific data items, required by a particular journal publisher or crystallographic database?
… 7.7 of the enCIFer user guide. …
How does licensing work for the CSD Portfolio?
… of the CSDS, the software can be installed and activated on one machine. However, there is no limit to the number of users that may access the installation. If a site …
I am unable to set a file association (e.g. opening cif files with enCIFer) on Windows 11
… _CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Applications\encifer.exe …
I am using Chrome and clicking on a download link in the CSD download links email does nothing
… ://security.googleblog.com/2020/02/protecting-users-from-insecure_6.html Depending on how you are viewing your CSD downloads link email, you may find that Chrome will not allow …
Is it possible to re-score a given set of GOLD solutions using an alternative scoring function?
… packages in this manner. Please refer to the GOLD user manual for further information. …
My search has given fewer hits than I expected, what can I do about this?
… to the query (if these exist). For further information on performing generalised searches, please refer to the Mogul User Guide. …
Using the ligand overlay functionality in Hermes 2023.1 or 2023.2 on Linux fails with an error about reading the initialisation file
… is to set CCDC_MOGUL_INITIALISATION_FILE to the mogul.ini file in your Hermes installation, e.g. export CCDC_MOGUL_INITIALISATION_FILE=/home/user/CCDC/ccdc …
Why is my search taking so long?
… on configuring searches, please refer to the Mogul User Guide. …
Top Support Solutions
- CSD Portfolio software suites requirements and supported platforms
- What is the difference between the GoldScore, ChemScore, ASP and ChemPLP scoring functions provided with GOLD?
- How does the GOLD licensing system work?
- How do I sign into WebCSD and what are the benefits of signing in?
- How should I reference GOLD?
Newest Support Solutions
- How do I ensure I get the best performance from CSD-CrossMiner?
- "Invalid window handle" error when using the CSD Python API on Windows
- Picking atoms in Mercury or Hermes stopped working after I upgraded to 2024.2
- Crystallisability and solvate prediction scripts not working in 2024.2 release
- What should I do if I experience an error during deposition that prevents me from adding checkCIF alert responses?