For questions not addressed by a support solution here, please Contact Us. Please do include a description of the problem as well as your operating system and version.
What can we help you with?
How can I see details of my licence and the activations I have?
… are not already you will need to log in to the CCDC website. Then enter the customer id and activation key details for the licence you want to review. The licence portal …
What other software and/or data components should I install to make use of functionality I want to access?
… Starting with the 2023.1 release, the CSD Portfolio now offers more choice on what software and/or data components you can choose to install. While we …
When is inorganic data deposited at the CCDC transferred to the ICSD?
… Inorganic data is copied to FIZ Karlsruhe for inclusion into the ICSD at the point of publication. Once published, the data will become accessible through …
Where do I deposit data not accepted by the CCDC?
… , www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/deposit . Data for other compounds are collected by the databases shown below. They can be contacted via their websites for further information. Protein Data …
Where do I request data not included in the CSD?
… Data for crystal structures of compounds not included in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) or the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD …
How can I associate raw data stored with another repository to my deposited structures?
… The CCDC does not currently store raw data files. However, if you have deposited your raw data files with another repository and have a DOI link …
When will a data DOI be assigned to my structure?
… The CCDC uses DataCite's DOI assignment service to assign data DOIs to structures. A data DOI will be generated only after your structure has been published …
How do I set up a journal deposition scheme with the CCDC?
… Data deposition notes are available for journal editors on what is required when setting up a scheme for depositing crystallographic data with the CCDC.If you …
How should I name data_ values in the CIFs I am depositing?
… We suggest that when naming data_ values in CIFs you only use alphanumeric characters and for multi-block CIFs it is recommended that each structure is given …
How should I reference the CCDC deposition number in my paper?
… For organic and metal-organic structures we recommend the following footnote: “CCDC nnnnnnn contains the supplementary crystallographic data for this paper …
Top Support Solutions
- CSD Portfolio software suites requirements and supported platforms
- What is the difference between the GoldScore, ChemScore, ASP and ChemPLP scoring functions provided with GOLD?
- How do I sign into WebCSD and what are the benefits of signing in?
- How does the GOLD licensing system work?
- How should I reference GOLD?
Newest Support Solutions
- I am trying to activate the free version of Mercury, but the Software Activation Tool says “A valid activation has been detected…”
- How do I ensure I get the best performance from CSD-CrossMiner?
- "Invalid window handle" error when using the CSD Python API on Windows
- Picking atoms in Mercury or Hermes stopped working after I upgraded to 2024.2
- Crystallisability and solvate prediction scripts not working in 2024.2 release