For questions not addressed by a support solution here, please Contact Us. Please do include a description of the problem as well as your operating system and version.
What can we help you with?
Where can I find my customer number and activation key?
… 65A31B-C7EB88-466D81-5ECE60-46BA10-BD9807) Standalone Mercury can be used without an activation key - see How do I download and install the free version of Mercury? The software …
Why do I see an ‘Operation Failed’ message when trying to open my database in CSD Editor?
… be reopened and used as normal. More information can be found in the CSD Editor documentation, available from the Support & Resources > Downloads section …
Why have the CCDC and FIZ Karlsruhe collaborated?
… in manuscripts and publications Are accessible by referees during the peer review Are available to view or download through a single access service known …
Are there any tools available to help produce a CIF?
… of the online deposition service available at www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/deposit and the reports can be downloaded upon submission. This will allow you to check the integrity …
How to update a 2023 CSD Portfolio installation which was installed with the offline installer
… , then add the top-level CSD Data Portfolio component. This is a large download but it will enable future data updates to be installed via Update Components …
CCDC Software and macOS
… with subsequent releases. To obtain the latest version, please download and use the full CSD installer. Links for this can be obtained via https://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk …
How can I run GOLD in parallel?
… , on an HPC compute cluster managed by Slurm. The GOLD Cluster tool and its User Guide are available to customers via our Downloads site under 'CSD-Discovery > GOLD …
I know that a particular crystal structure has been published, why is it not included in the latest release of the database?
… and to structures before they are fully curated. Alternatively the CSD is released in ConQuest in November each year and it is also possible to download CSD data …
How to deploy the CSD Portfolio to multiple computers
… Easy to keep each computer up to date using CCDC Maintenance Tool Cons: Uses the most disk space and bandwidth to download the data onto each computer Option 2 …
How to activate CCDC software without a direct internet connection on the system that it is installed on
… the LicenceRequest.licreq file you produced in step 1 and select 'Generate Licence'. If activation is successful you will be provided with a download of a Licence …
Top Support Solutions
- CSD Portfolio software suites requirements and supported platforms
- What is the difference between the GoldScore, ChemScore, ASP and ChemPLP scoring functions provided with GOLD?
- How does the GOLD licensing system work?
- How do I sign into WebCSD and what are the benefits of signing in?
- How should I reference GOLD?
Newest Support Solutions
- How do I ensure I get the best performance from CSD-CrossMiner?
- "Invalid window handle" error when using the CSD Python API on Windows
- Picking atoms in Mercury or Hermes stopped working after I upgraded to 2024.2
- Crystallisability and solvate prediction scripts not working in 2024.2 release
- What should I do if I experience an error during deposition that prevents me from adding checkCIF alert responses?