​​The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC).
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Why have the CCDC and FIZ Karlsruhe collaborated?


Recent advances in chemistry have meant that the distinctions between inorganic and organic structures have become blurred. For instance, through research to design new batteries, gas storage systems, zeolites, catalysts, magnets, and fuel additives. This, coupled with the desire from researchers for more integrated databases, has been the driving force behind the development of these joint services that cover organic, metal-organic and inorganic structures. 

This means that all organic, metal-organic and inorganic structures:

  • Can be deposited using the same streamline system
  • Receive a standard deposition number that can be quoted in manuscripts and publications
  • Are accessible by referees during the peer review
  • Are available to view or download through a single access service known as Access Structures
  • Can be linked to from publications and third party databases