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Where can I find my customer number and activation key?


CCDC licence details consist of

  • A customer number (a whole number, up to 6 digits)
  • An activation key (6 blocks of 6 characters, for example 65A31B-C7EB88-466D81-5ECE60-46BA10-BD9807)

Standalone Mercury can be used without an activation key - see How do I download and install the free version of Mercury?

The software is licensed to organisations (universities and companies) rather than individuals. When a new licence is set up, the customer number and activation key are sent to a designated member of staff referred to as the "CCDC contact". When a licence is renewed the customer number and activation key will normally remain unchanged. If a new activation key is needed for any reason it will be sent to the CCDC contact.

In the first instance please ask your local CCDC contact for your customer number and activation key. If you do not know who they are please email admin@ccdc.cam.ac.uk who will be able to put you in touch with them. If you are the contact you can also ask admin@ccdc.cam.ac.uk for a reminder of your licence details.