For questions not addressed by a support solution here, please Contact Us. Please do include a description of the problem as well as your operating system and version.
What can we help you with?
When installing the CSD Portfolio on Linux I get an error that libxcb-icccm.so.4 is not found
… You need to install the Linux package which provides this library. On RHEL 7.9 and clones the command is sudo yum install xcb-util-wm …
Which Platforms are supported for CellCheckCSD?
… CellCheckCSD 1.2.8 is supported on: Windows - Intel compatible, 64-bit: Windows 10 and 11 Linux - Intel compatible, 64-bit: RedHat Enterprise 7.6 or higher …
ConQuest fails to launch with an error about libXss.so.1 on linux
… ConQuest requires the libXss.so.1 library to be installed in order to run on Linux. If this is not present then ConQuest may fail to launch and give …
On linux, Hermes has a transparent window and/or shows strange artefacts
… This can be caused by having desktop effects enabled on your linux system. To determine if this is the cause, please disable desktop effects and see if Hermes …
ConQuest behaves oddly when manipulating structures in 3D
… In some cases, when selecting atoms in the 3D viewer, the wrong atom will be shown selected. This has only been observed on Mac OSX and Linux and the fix …
ConQuest fails with "ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded" on RHEL 8
… On some versions of Linux including RHEL 8 and clones, ConQuest will fail to start with an error message ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded …
Running an API script in Mercury or Hermes fails with the error " QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set" on linux
… older linux systems do not set this environment variable by default, so you may need to ensure this is set yourself if you are receiving this error. To do so …
Why do I have a problem displaying labels on Linux?
… Mercury tries to use the native OpenGL libraries for your Linux distribution. However if you are experiencing any problems with Mercury's display this is most …
How can I automate the CSD Portfolio installation process
… install command would resemble the following, linux shown here: ./CSDInstallerOnline-linux --root /local/myinstall -c --accept-licenses install …
Can I use IsoStar on a Windows PC?
… of the UNIX platforms that IsoStar supports (see: which platforms are supported?).Note: the server currently only runs under Linux. For further information …
Top Support Solutions
- CSD Portfolio software suites requirements and supported platforms
- What is the difference between the GoldScore, ChemScore, ASP and ChemPLP scoring functions provided with GOLD?
- How do I sign into WebCSD and what are the benefits of signing in?
- How does the GOLD licensing system work?
- How should I reference GOLD?
Newest Support Solutions
- The 2024.3 CSD Portfolio software does not start on linux under Wayland and gives a Qt mismatch error
- ConQuest will not start when used with the latest version of VMWare
- Unable to run the CCDC maintenance tool on macOS 15
- CSD Python API not working on RHEL 9
- ConQuest fails with "ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded" on RHEL 8