For questions not addressed by a support solution here, please Contact Us. Please do include a description of the problem as well as your operating system and version.
What can we help you with?
Not enough disk space error while trying to install the software
… a disk space check. You can run the installer with the --ns flag: ./CSDInstallerOnline-linux --root /local/myinstall --cache-path /local/mycachelocation -c …
Using the CSD Python API on a system that has no display
… module. This scenario is most common when using a Linux server that has no display of its own. If you are using the CSD Python API on a system without …
My linux computer has the latest graphics and OpenGL drivers but mesa is being used instead
… My linux computer has the latest graphics and OpenGL drivers but mesa is being used instead …
Using the ligand overlay functionality in Hermes 2023.1 or 2023.2 on Linux fails with an error about reading the initialisation file
… in Hermes 2023.1 or 2023.2 on Linux fails with an error about reading the initialisation file …
Activating the CSD Python API
… -hook.ps1" On Linux or MacOS it is source /path/to/CCDC/ccdc-software/csd-python-api/miniconda/bin/activate (replace /path/to with the correct path …
How to update a 2023 CSD Portfolio installation which was installed with the offline installer
… /online_repo/linux-64https://install.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/online_repo/mac On Linux or Mac, click OK, select the Update Components option, and keep clicking Next to go …
What are the advantages and disadvantages of activating via a local licence server?
… computers (Linux and Mac users). Standard node-locked licensing stores a "fingerprint" of the computer in the user's home directory, which will cause the licence …
How can I run GOLD in parallel?
… '. Smaller-scale parallelization GOLD Cluster can be run on a Slurm cluster running in a Linux VM. Thus, in principle, this tool could be used to parallelize …
Installation of the 2022 CSD Portfolio Software and Data
… Linux: Ensure you are in the same working directory as the .run installer executable and type its name prepended by ./ ("in this directory"), e.g. ./csds …
Mercury, Hermes or CrossMiner 2023.1 crashes after running for 5 minutes
… configuration file manually. This config file is stored in a (hidden) subdirectory of your home directory. Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\CCDC Linux …
Top Support Solutions
- CSD Portfolio software suites requirements and supported platforms
- What is the difference between the GoldScore, ChemScore, ASP and ChemPLP scoring functions provided with GOLD?
- How does the GOLD licensing system work?
- How do I sign into WebCSD and what are the benefits of signing in?
- How should I reference GOLD?
Newest Support Solutions
- How do I ensure I get the best performance from CSD-CrossMiner?
- "Invalid window handle" error when using the CSD Python API on Windows
- Picking atoms in Mercury or Hermes stopped working after I upgraded to 2024.2
- Crystallisability and solvate prediction scripts not working in 2024.2 release
- What should I do if I experience an error during deposition that prevents me from adding checkCIF alert responses?