For questions not addressed by a support solution here, please Contact Us. Please do include a description of the problem as well as your operating system and version.
What can we help you with?
What is a CSD subset?
… the contents of each subset. To restrict the results of a search to use a subset: Build the query as usual and hit Search. Then hit the Select Subset button …
How do I use CellCheckCSD?
… : Required Argument - the full path to the XML query file to search for -results : Optional Argument - the full path to the XML …
How should I deal with disordered structures in CSD Editor?
… and therefore will not be used in ConQuest 3D searches. In the majority of cases, the initial CIF file conversion will have dealt with any disorder in the structure …
Is it possible to re-score a given set of GOLD solutions using an alternative scoring function?
… Yes, using the Rescore solutions tick box in the Fitness & Search Options section under Global Options when using the GOLD Setup GUI. Rescoring, like docking …
What data format is available for download from the Access Structures service?
… The free Access Structures service offers downloads in a CIF file format. A successful search (using either the deposition number, DOI of the journal article …
What is CSD-Theory?
… CSD-Theory brings clarity to your crystal structure prediction landscapes. Search, display and analyse your landscapes to spark new insights and advance your …
I’ve found a structure in a paper that I would like to obtain data for, but I can’t find a deposition number - what do I do?
… You may search for data from us by entering the DOI of the publication if you do not know the deposition numbers of the structures you wish to request. To do …
Is it possible to include any additional probe groups?
… not be present due to a number of reasons: The search has not been done. The search has been done, but there is no information (e.g. for RNH3+ probes). The probe …
One of my structures isn’t listed on ‘My Structures’ what should I do?
… . To do this you will need to sign-in (or register) at: https://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/deposit/mystructures Once you have signed in you can search for the deposition …
What is a Reduced Cell Check and what should I do if the structure I am depositing has hits?
… When depositing a structure at the CCDC using the online deposition process, a search will be run on your structures to compare the unit cell dimensions …
Top Support Solutions
- CSD Portfolio software suites requirements and supported platforms
- What is the difference between the GoldScore, ChemScore, ASP and ChemPLP scoring functions provided with GOLD?
- How does the GOLD licensing system work?
- How do I sign into WebCSD and what are the benefits of signing in?
- How should I reference GOLD?
Newest Support Solutions
- How do I ensure I get the best performance from CSD-CrossMiner?
- "Invalid window handle" error when using the CSD Python API on Windows
- Picking atoms in Mercury or Hermes stopped working after I upgraded to 2024.2
- Crystallisability and solvate prediction scripts not working in 2024.2 release
- What should I do if I experience an error during deposition that prevents me from adding checkCIF alert responses?