We have a #CSD3DPrint contest winner!
This year’s #CSD3DPrint Twitter contest saw many intricate and exciting entries come to life in the hands (and printers) of our contestants. Participants who tweeted photos of their 3D creations with the hashtag #CSD3DPrint were eligible for the contest. Entries were judged on the number of social media “engagements” (likes and retweets) and by a panel of expert judges. The winner will receive a $50 gift card for the Shapeways 3D printing service.
We received six submissions for the competition this year, and these represented a range of compounds from organics to metal-organics, to something quite peculiar! The social media audience as well as our panel of judges had a difficult time selecting a winner. But ultimately, we arrived at the winning model.
The winning entry for the 2017 #CSD3DPrint contest.
This jaunty model of a U/Au peroxo complex (http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C7DT00942A ) submitted by Twitter user @Canageek from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada is the winner of this year’s contest. It could have been for the brilliant use of colour, or the fact that this image reminds scientists to spend some time outside of the lab now and again. But at CCDC, we particularly like the incorporation of anisotropic displacement parameters (ADPs) in the model. Unbeknownst to @Canageek, for the first time ever with the 2018 release the CSD will begin including ADP information for selected entries.
Selected fan favourites, submitted by @SavchenkovAnton and @pablitodepan. For all entries, search the #CSD3DPrint hashtag on Twitter.
It truly was a close competition this year with entries showing off their utility, their provenance, and the creativity of their designers. To see the full complement of entries, search #CSD3DPrint on Twitter.
We hope you’ve enjoyed the models in our 3D printing contests and hope you’ll join in for the fun next year.