Webinar: Boosting Research Efficiency in Industry with FAIR Data
Thursday, 25th May – 4 pm (BST)/ 11am (EDT)
The ability to leverage existing data, whether public or proprietary, strengthens chemistry research.
In this webinar we’ll explore how making proprietary data more FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) benefits industrial research. By applying FAIR data principles, existing and historical findings can be used to inform and guide new discoveries. Such data-driven insights strengthen confidence during drug discovery, development, and materials design.
You will learn, with specific examples where FAIR data has helped advance industrial research:
- How does the chemical industry benefit from the FAIR data principles that underpin all CCDC offerings?
- How can proprietary data be made more FAIR to help advance R&D goals?
Who should attend:
- Data Scientists
- Pharmaceutical Discovery and Development Scientists
- Cheminformatics Scientists
- Digital, Data, Analytics, and Informatics teams in pharmaceutical research
- Technology and Data Science leaders in pharmaceutical research
- Materials scientists