A Fun Competition for the Crystallography Community
Our CSDLeaderboard is a fun competition we run at some of the crystallography events worldwide where we calculate a score based on the structures you have authored in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). It is just for fun and the scoring relates to a number of different parameters – so it is not an indication of the number of structures or the quality of your data. To take part you need to be at the event where we are running the CSD Leaderboard, you need to be listed as an author on one or more structures in the CSD and you need to tell us your publication name. Since the score incorporates a number of different metrics, any CSD author has a chance of winning so do not let lack of experience put you off!
How Does It Work?
We use the CSD Python API to search the CSD for structures linked to your name. We then assess those structures on a number of different parameters such as the number of different elements, the R-factor, etc to calculate a score. You get bonus points too! (e.g. if you have published CSD Communications).
Look out for us at upcoming events and conferences with new leaderboards – register for our newsletter to get all our news and updates.
What Is the CSD Leaderboard Based On?
For our CSD Leaderboard calculation, you receive points based on:
- The total number of structures in the CSD
- The number of different space groups
- Your lowest R Factor structure
- The number of different elements
- Having published a CSD Communication
- Having structures in the CSD Drug Subset
- Having structures in the CSD MOF Subset
- Having a structure containing a metal
- Having a structure containing an F-block element
- % of structures where a crystal colour was reported
While listening to all that Spotify, were you in the lab? Get a summary of the structures you published in the CSD during the current year – results are based on the last desktop release.
Join us at the beginning of December on Twitter or Instagram to take part.
You must have published data in the CSD during the last year which has been curated into the latest CSD release. Follow #CSDWrapped to see the results.