CCDC Engagement Grants
Grants to Create STEM Outreach Resources and Activities
Can you inspire others with your love of crystallography or structural science? Got an idea for a video, social media series, game, poster, or activity to get people excited about the topic?
The CCDC Engagement Grants cover the costs for you to produce resources or activities to increase schools and public engagement in crystallography and structural science.
About CCDC Engagement Grants
As part of our mission to advance structural science for the public benefit, we support education in the chemical sciences. Through the CCDC Engagement Grants, launched in 2022, we aim to enable more people to create engaging resources for the next generation of scientists.
Explore the Resources Created by the Previous Winners
What previous winners say
“I’ve always believed that science shouldn’t be confined to science classes and labs, but should reach everyone.”
Leonardo Feletto, CCDC Engagement Grant Recipient
Learn more
Activities must:
- Engage or inspire those not currently involved in STEM, including children, those undecided about what to study, or the general public.
- Be about crystal structures, crystallography, or structural science.
A range of formats are accepted, including:
- Video
- Social media content
- Handouts for the classroom
- Posters or infographics
- PowerPoint or other presentation slides
- Games or videogames
- Apps or webpages
- Science festival or science fair activity
- Any other accessible format with clear instructions, so others can re-use it
Activities do not need to be in English.
Applicants must be 18 years old or over.
Applicants from diverse backgrounds and situations are encouraged to apply.
You do not need to have prior experience in creating educational or outreach resources.
Applicants can apply more than once, for separate activity ideas.
Applications open on 8th July 2024. Follow this link to apply by 30th September 2024, 11:59pm BST.
To complete the application you will need:
- Description of the project and output resources;
- Full name, contact details, job title, and institution of all the members of the team that will work on the project;
- Proposed grant value requested, and detailed breakdown of the costs;
- Details on whether you are receiving or have received funding for this project from other institutions or sponsors;
- Timeline of the project;
- If the project is ongoing or part of a series, links to the work you have realized so far;
- Expected impact;
- Examples of any previous educational or outreach materials your team (you or any member) have created before (optional).
You can apply for up to £2,500 per activity. However, we aim to fund multiple impactful projects and may not be able to accommodate your full request.
We will ask in the application if you are receiving funding from other sources for the project you have submitted.
In your application you must provide a breakdown of the expenses you require. We would expect your breakdown to include, but not be limited to:
- Licensing for software to create the activity.
- Materials and props.
- External consultants and professional services.
CCDC will host or link to the activity on our website, and may share it on our social media channels. We aim to promote the activities for people to use and re-use. The activity must feature the CCDC logo in accordance with our branding guidelines, and acknowledge the funding received.
If your application is successful we will provide a contract with full terms and conditions relevant to your project.
- 8th July 2024 — applications open.
- 30th September 2024, 11:59pm BST — application submission deadline.
- 31st October 2024 — results of applications shared with all applicants.
- November – December 2024 — contracts and invoices for successful applicants confirmed.
- 30th April 2025 — deadline to submit progress reports.
- 31st July 2025 — all projects completed and published.
with any questions about the CCDC Engagement Grants, we’re happy to help.