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Installation of the 2023 and later CSD Portfolio Software and Data


There are several options to adjust the installation of the CSD Portfolio to your needs.

Installing the CSD data and CSD Portfolio software separately

It is possible to install the CSD data and the CSD Portfolio software to different locations. This can be useful to, for example, have a single data installation on a network accessible location that multiple software-only installations can use. This will allow you to save space on the systems where the software is installed.

Using the standard graphical installation interface, you can install your choice of components. To install the data to a different location, run the installer twice, once for the data and once for the software. When you run a software component which requires the data, you will be given the option to install it or configure its location. Choose the 'configure' option and select the ccdc-data folder from your remote data install. This location will be saved to a CSD.ini file for future use. To configure the remote data location for all users, copy this file from %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\CCDC to C:\ProgramData\CCDC (if you use Windows).

Running the installer at the command line

More advanced use of the CSD Portfolio installers usually involves running via the command line, which allows various arguments to be added that change the installer's behaviour or provide information normally entered via installer dialogs.


Ensure you are in the same directory as the .exe installer file and then just type its name, e.g.



You will normally need to specify the location of the installer executable to run it - this is most easily done by being in the same working directory as the .run installer executable and prepending ./ (which means "in this directory"), e.g.



To run the installer application at the command line, ensure you are in the same working directory and use the open command, e.g.:

open CSDInstallerOnline-2023.1.app

Installing without GUI access

The installer may be run in interactive mode at the command line via the command

./CSDInstallerOnline-linux install

Silent install using the command line

Nearly all dialog options can be entered via arguments at the command line in order to install without use of the installer GUI or prompts for input. The only options that cannot be run from the installer command line are the custom CCDC licensing and telemetry options. These will require licensing and telemetry options to be carried out post-install if they were not already set up for an older version.

To see what command line options are available, run the installer with the --help argument.

For example, to install with no user input all software and data components you would use a command like

./CSDInstallerOnline-linux --root /local/myinstall -c --accept-licenses install uk.ac.cam.ccdc

  • -root sets the root installation folder, in this case /local/myinstall
  • -c confirms the start of the installation with no user input
  • --accept-licenses accepts the user licence for the installer
  • install uk.ac.cam.ccdc will install all software and data

For details on the package names that can be used to install individual components, run

./CSDInstallerOnline-linux search

You can activate the software from the command line after installation e.g.

<INSTALLDIR>/ccdc-utilities/software-activation/bin/ccdc_activator -a -k ACTIVATION_KEY

Opting in or out of telemetry feedback can be achieved by running the telemetry helper command with the --yes or --no arguments, e.g.

<INSTALLDIR>/ccdc-utilities/telemetry-helper/bin/telemetry_helper --yes yes

Uninstallation using the command line

 Run the maintenance tool with the pr (purge) command and -c (confirm) option e.g.

ccdc-maintenance-tool.exe -c pr

Further Help

For more information on CSD Portfolio requirements and installation, please see the CSDS 2023.1 Release and Installation guide. For more help with more specialised install scenarios not covered above, please contact support@ccdc.cam.ac.uk for further assistance.