Authors’ names in the CSD: how to add them correctly? How to search for them?
To provide easy access to each structure in the CSD for the benefit of our
community, we need to make sure that the bibliographic information is correct
and complete. To ensure your published data is accessible please help us by
listing the names of the authors in the manner described below.
If you are depositing your data using our Deposition portal or updating the
journal information of previously deposited data via MyStructures, please add all
the author’s names in the same order as on the publication. Each name should
be separated by a comma and space, without any additional characters or
salutation. You can use initials or expand the first name; if you are using initials,
then you do not need spaces between them. Examples of correct authors’ names
in the CSD e.g.:
C.A.Tovee, C.A.Kilner, J.A.Thomas, M.A.Halcrow or
Clare A.Tovee, Colin A. Kilner, Jim A. Thomas, Malcolm A. Halcrow.
When you are searching for an author’s name in the CSD, the same instructions
apply. For more information, please see this link.