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Not enough disk space error while trying to install the software


There needs to be enough space in your install and cache location. By default, the user's home directory is selected as the cache location even if the install location is different. You can select a different location for the cache by including:

--cache-path /cache/location

Next, verify that there is enough space in your install location. If there is enough space, then the installer might be checking the wrong volume for installation. You can instruct the installer to bypass a disk space check. You can run the installer with the --ns flag:

./CSDInstallerOnline-linux --root /local/myinstall --cache-path /local/mycachelocation -c --accept-licenses --ns install uk.ac.cam.ccdc

  • -root sets the root installation folder, in this case /local/myinstall
  • --cache-path sets the cache location
  • -c confirms the start of the installation with no user input
  • --accept-licenses accepts the user licence for the installer
  • --ns disable checking of free space for installation target
  • install uk.ac.cam.ccdc will install all software and data