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Why does WebCSD give a 'Socket is not connected' error every time I try to run a search?


In order to run a search, WebCSD's result browser applet must make a TCP socket connection back to the CCDC's search server at webcsdserver.ccdc.cam.ac.uk. By default, it attempts to connect on port 80. However, some networks block direct port 80 access to the internet and force all traffic through an HTTP web proxy which is not suitable for WebCSD traffic. If port 80 is blocked, the applet will automatically try to connect on port 8765 instead. If it successfully connects to port 8765, it remembers to use that port by default for all subsequent searches in that session. Therefore, in order to run searches on the public internet version of WebCSD, you must ensure that your network allows your PC to connect to webcsdserver.ccdc.cam.ac.uk on either port 80 or port 8765.

If you want to use a different port to the one automatically selected by the result browser, you can manually override its selection by going to the 'Help/Settings' menu in the left-hand applet on the browse structures section of WebCSD and choosing a new port number. Your selection will be saved in a browser cookie for future sessions.​