​​The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC).
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What is expected to happen to WebCSD v1?


Version 1 of WebCSD heavily relied on the use of Java applets for visualising structures, sketching and for browsing search results. We have now upgraded the WebCSD interface to use alternative technologies (based on JavaScript) that allow more effective cross-platform usage (WebCSD v2). You can access the current version of WebCSD (v2) here: https://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/structures/.

WebCSD v2 is now the default supported system, but to allow a transition period between these two systems we made sure that the original version of WebCSD (v1) was available for users for a while longer - a dedicated WebCSD v1 server was available alongside the new system from summer 2017 until summer 2018.

Please note that this WebCSD v1 server was discontinued on the 5th September 2018..

If you have any questions or concerns about this transition, please do contact us through CCDC support.