​​The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC).
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How do I obtain and install Relibase+ data updates?


Relibase+ data updates may be obtained in one of two ways:

1. Automated via FTP - On your Relibase+ server, with the Relibase+ environment sourced, run the command:

relibase -data update

to obtain and install the latest data updates automatically from our update servers. Use of this method will require your server's IP address to first be logged with us.

2. Manually via download from our website - Download the data updates from the Downloads option in the Support & Resources section of our website. You will require your Relibase+ username and password details for access to these downloads. Once obtained, each update may be installed by following the instructions given on the download page.

Please contact admin@ccdc.cam.ac.uk for further details or assistance with obtaining access.