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I have spare licences yet my browser always displays the message "The client browser is not registered. There are no more client licenses available on this server."


This error can occur if you are using your own Apache web server with Relibase+ 2.1 or 2.2 and the Relibase+ environment is not correctly being passed to it.

In order to resolve this, ensure that LD_LIBRARY_PATH in your Apache environment contains $RELIBASE_ROOT/lib (this can be achieved by ensuring this is in your environment when Apache is started, or with the Apache SetEnv and PassEnv directives).

Alternatively, if you have updated from Relibase+ 2.0, you can revert to the old licensing executable that does not require this environment. This can be done by copying $RELIBASE_ROOT/reli-cgi/relilicence.2.0.0 back to replace $RELIBASE_ROOT/reli-cgi/relilicence (doing so will remove the ability to recognise case differences in workspaces that was introduced in 2.1).​